Hey there! - I am Andres Becker, an enthusiast of computers, machine learning, mathematics, the outdoors, motorcycles and 4x4 vehicles (although I do not know in what order). I was born and raised in Mexico, but I always wanted to study and live in other parts of the world. So at the age of 28 I decided to move with my lovely and beautiful partner to Germany to study a master's degree in mathematics.

Although I am a mathematician by training, I have always been very curious about everything related to computers. Before moving to Germany, I worked for several years in IT infrastructure and security. During my master's studies, I decided to put that aside a bit and focus mainly on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, as well as models for data analysis.
One of the questions I get most often is why we decided to move to Germany. The reason is that many universities in Germany offer excellent bachelor's and master's programs practically free of charge, and in some cases 100% in English.
I studied a master's degree in mathematics at TUM, which is one of the top 50 universities in the world, so I will always be very grateful to the TUM for providing me with an excellent master program. My gratitude also goes to México (my home) and the IPN (my Alma mater) for having provided me with an excellent bachelor's degree in mathematics, also for free. I believe that education is the best way to make all people equal. So, if you have any questions about these two institutions, visa process, admission, etc., I will be more than happy to help you. So, do not hesitate to write me!


However, in this life there is other very interesting and fun stuff! For several years my father and I traveled Mexico in 4x4 vehicles (thank you Dad for sponsoring all these adventures 😉).




During this period we also climbed different mountains and volcanoes, like the Citlaltépetl and Iztacihuatl (5,636 and 5,215 meters over the sea level respectively).

I spent my last years in Mexico riding a KTM 390 and they were wonderful! It was very painful to sell it to be able to come to Germany.

If you made it this far, I would like to thank you for your interest in me! Also, If you have questions or comments (about me or any of the projects or post), do not hesitate to contact me and I will answer you as soon as I can 😉.